首页 > 互联网资讯 > 小伙伴们的万圣节扮鬼照片集锦 | 快来加入这个欢乐的大家庭吧!

小伙伴们的万圣节扮鬼照片集锦 | 快来加入这个欢乐的大家庭吧!

DiningCity 作为一家 International 的公司,Halloween 这种好玩的节日当然是不会错过的啦!你看,同事们一个个精心置办服装,将自己打扮成,现场有种“群魔乱舞”的既视感:

道士、僵尸、印第安人、黑客、修女、女仆,甚至还有拿着第一代 iPhone 的乔布斯转世,同事们个个使出浑身解数,在最后的“百鬼夜行”环节中展现真我(笑)。按老板的吩咐,我们还将办公室打扮了一番,南瓜灯、蜘蛛网、巨星蜘蛛...可把小公主们吓得不轻。你猜谁是最后的装扮冠军?


如果你想加入一个 International 的团队,


有个机会让你进入 DiningCity 的大家庭

你 想不想来

(听说英语务必要好 因为有个爱闲聊的 boss)

DiningCity 鼎食聚 将于每周二、周四举行开放面试




10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

(开放面试就是不需要和 HR 提前预约,带着简历直接来 office 就能面试哦)



Job Opening

Marketing Manager (Shanghai)


- At least 5 years+work experience.

- Experience in ecommerce & social media required.

- Must dream and live data... We are looking for somebody, passionate about the internet. This has to go way beyond just writing content or placing a banner. You want to know why people click, where they click, why they click, how to make them click more. You feel at home with Google Analytics (or similar), Landing page optimization, A/B testing, conversion funnels, and more.

- To name a buzz word we are looking for it's Growth hacking. Find out why people subscribe, enrol,download, or buy and do more, and make it even better.

- We also do a lot of social media content (especially WeChat) . We are looking for somebody that loves to build up a wechat account to become more powerful, post attractive content and get lots of subscribers.

- Bonus points for having worked on APP marketing, app store optimisation, app download campaigns,etc.


Salary guideline 15 ~ 20k


*开放面试只限上海。北京、广州、深圳有意向者可投简历至 hr@diningcity.asia



- 主动开发新的和支持现有的战略客户数据库,如酒店集团和高端餐厅;

- 计划时间表,并与客户组织的高级决策者协调会议,以帮助促进新的商业机会;

- 积极开发新业务;

- 维护良好的客户关系;

- 和客户进行电话沟通,确保适当的跟进和客户服务;

- 为公司收集客户信息;

- 撰写并发送销售提案;

- 参加销售&市场的相关推广活动(如媒体午餐会等)




- 中国大陆籍公民;

- 英语听说读写流利,能够和外籍老板无障碍交流;

- 1-2年销售工作经验;

- 出色的人际交往和交流能力;

- 成熟,可靠,可承受一定的工作压力,渴望不断地学习;

- 熟练操作基本的办公软件,如 Excel, Word, PowerPoint 等;

- 有 CRM 相关软件使用经验的候选人将优先考虑;

- 有餐饮业销售及酒店背景的候选人将优先考虑;

Account Manager (Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen)


- Proactively develop new and support an existing database of strategic clients such as

  hotel groups and High End restaurants.

- Plan schedule and coordinate meetings with senior decision makers from client

  organization to help facilitate new business opportunities.

- Business development activities, active new business acquisition.

- Maintain and build strong customer relationships for long term cooperation.

- Manage phone calls in professional manner, insure proper follow up and customer service.

- Collect information/leads & sources for company use.

- Writing and sending proposals and quotations directly after meetings.

- Sales & Marketing activities (Media Luncheon)


- Native Chinese.

- Fluent in English language, oral, writing and reading.

-1-2 years working experience in sales.

- Great interpersonal and communication skills.

- Reliable, mature spirit and can work under pressure, strong desire to learn.

- Strong PC skills, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint application.

- Working experience with CRM preferred.

- Proven Responsibilities:

 track record doing sales in or to 5-star hotel preferred.


Ruby 程序员(上海)


- 软件结构设计和审查,开发和测试;

- 应用系统集成和实施,模型设计,应用调整和容量规划;

- 表结构设计,功能实现,结对编程;


- 中国大陆籍公民;

- 2年以上的ruby on rails应用开发经验;

- 了解linux;

- 熟悉mysql数据库;

- 熟悉html、css、jquery、bootstrap等前端开发技能;

- 熟悉git或svn等源码管理工具进行版本控制;

- 熟悉redis、memcached等缓存技术,熟悉rspec等测试技术;

- 熟悉mac开发环境;

- 做过phonegap优先考虑;

- 良好的英语书写及口语能力者优先;

Ruby Programmer (Shanghai)


- Design and review software structure, software development and test

- Integration and implement of application system, model design, application adjustment and capacity planning

- Table structure create, function realization, pair programming


- Native chinese

- At least 2 years’ working experience on ruby application development

- Knows about linux

- Knows about mysql

- Knows about front-end development skills like html、css、jquery、bootstrap etc

- Version control with source code management tool like git or svn

- Knows about caching technology like redis and memcached, knows about test technology like rspec etc

- Be familiar with mac development environment

- Priority for knows about phonegap

- Spoken and written english

Company Intro

DiningCity Asia is the premier dining guide for better dining. We help you find the best restaurants in town and book them instantly using our real-time reservation system (PC, iOS, and Android). 

We provide listing, marketing and booking services for  5-star hotel groups such as Ritz-Carlton, Waldorf, Westin, Hyatt, Four Seasons, and the W. We also organise large scale dining events in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and more. 

Our flagship event is called China Restaurant Week, hosting 400+ restaurants across 8 cities and seating over 100.000 people in a ten day period twice a year. We have partnerships with leading banks and credit cards - Citi, American Express, China Construction Bank. More partnerships are in the work to benefit more diverse card holders. Our head office locates in the former French Concession of Shanghai supporting offices in Hong Kong and Bangkok. 

We are looking for reliable team members to help grow our dining services business. Our team members are from a multitude of backgrounds - hospitality, food & beverage, luxury goods and services, Social Media and IT. We are a Technology and Internet company. Everything happens online with our mobile apps, social media engagement and website. This IS something for you! 

What About Team

爱美食,爱互联网。在 DiningCity 你能接触到最领先的互联网式思维,和一群来自五湖四海(maybe 是四大洋)志同道合的人(?——还有宠物狗Pinot),在闹中取静的静安区小洋房内,喝着咖啡唱着歌(不干活吗?)更有无限量饮料,超长带薪年假,弹性工作时间...


DiningCity team building 进行中


DiningCity 鼎食聚 将于10月11日起,每周二、周四举行开放面试




10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

(开放面试就是不需要和 HR 提前预约,带着简历直接来 office 就能面试哦)

如有意应聘相关职位,但无法参加开放面试的,也欢迎投递中英文简历至 hr@diningcity.asia


DiningCity 鼎食聚期待您的加入

DiningCity 世界知名的在线餐饮指南
