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META 展讯|Wang Wei's Guest - 王卫个人项目

Wang Wei | "Wang Wei’s Guest" 


3pm - 6pm, May 14th  2016


May 14th  - 20th July, 2016

META / Intro

 王卫此次在META的个人项目 “Wang Wei’s Guest” 复制了現实中的治安岗亭及其内部原貌。最初引起王卫兴趣的是这个治安岗亭的建筑外形,色彩关系和它在现实中所具有的某种“威慑力”。 在一个位于居民区的展出现场,一个也同样具有相互观望关系的场域里,王卫又叠加入治安岗亭的建筑空间,塞满在天井式的院落中。然而最为重要的是,王卫通过在不同语境中去重现“现实物”, 即把这个带有权力意味的建筑物扯离开原来的社会网络体系,来拒绝其原始意图。正如如被剪剖开的电路线板,将其内在的“线路”裸露出来。去掉了原有社会功能和地位的治安岗亭在一个不同于白盒子式的展览现场,与空间本身的日常化语境相碰撞,既在无形中折反射出对现实的质疑,又呈现出一种错位式的“美感”。

展览名称 “ Wang Wei’s Guest ” 也来源于艺术家之前的一次个人经历:在个展的开幕晚宴上,摆设在餐桌上的嘉宾卡片引发了对于来宾和卡片所指向的不确定情境之间的关注。而用在本次展览上,王卫试图将作品中已存的错位感继续引入歧途,正如艺术家所说:“作品的名称指涉了一层主客体的关系,而作品最终实现了一次主客体的共同缺席。” 也正是这种对于现场的双重架构,使王卫再一次实现了对现实的虚构与隐喻。至此,多重的观看及对峙关系产生又发酵出更为复杂、暧昧的歧义。

 "Wang Wei’s Guest" is a project at META project space, in which the artist, Wang Wei, replicates the interior and exterior of a police security post. Wang was initially drawn to the exterior architectural features of such kiosks, their color combinations and the inherent power significations they impose on everyday life.  Given this site-specific location in the center courtyard of a residential compound - a field of similar mutual spectatorship - Wang fills the backyard patio with a striking architectural form. Through the duplication of such 'real objects', Wang peels this power-signifying object away from its existing social context and  disavows its original intention. By detaching the security post from its original social functions and status, and then presenting it in an exhibition context devoid of white walls, the artist presents a unique aesthetic of complete disjuncture.

The title of the exhibition, "Wang Wei’s Guest" is derived from personal experience. At one particular art opening, the artist noticed the seating name cards for various dinner guests was creating an uncertain circumstance at the table. The name cards and their various significations diverted the attendees’ attention. Used in this exhibition context, the title aims to continue leading this dis-jointedness further afield.  According to Wang, “The title of a piece of work refers to the relationship between subject and object. However, the final presentation of this work refers to a complete absence of both.” It is in this process of double structuring of space where Wang Wei completes his fiction and metaphors of reality. The multiple open perspectives and conflicting relations that “Wang Wei's Guest" produces will no doubt ferment into further complexity and ambiguity.

About Artisit / Wang Wei




参加过的主要展览包括:第二届CAFAM双年展(中央美术学院美术馆 2014),第十二届威尼斯建筑双年展中国馆(威尼斯2010),深圳香港双城双年展(深圳2009),真实事件(利物浦泰特美术馆2007),有异物(维也纳美术馆项目空间2007),第二届广州三年展(广东美术馆2005),布拉格双年展(捷克国家美术馆2005),在过去与未来之间-中国新影像(摄影中心2004),首届广州三年展(广东美术馆2002),革命的首都(英国当代艺术研究院1999)

后感性-异形与妄想(北京 1999)

 Artist’s Biography

Wang Wei was born in Beijing, China 1972. In 1996, he was graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts. Now he lives and works in Beijing. 

Wang Wei is a multidisciplinary installation artist who looks at how the navigation of physical spaces can inform us about our own lived reality. Through modifying existing  architectural structures with subtle ,surprising additions or appropriating stylized features from disparate sources ,Wang Wei has developed a strong practice around interventions  that are aim to disrupt human perceptions of space while opening a dialogue about construction ,labor and ways of seeing.

 Wang Wei’s work has been exhibited in series of important exhibitions including: The 2nd CAFAM Biennale (CAFA Art Museum, China 2014 ); Pavilion of China at 12th International Architecture Exhibition -La Biennale di Venazia ( Venice, Italy 2010 ); 2009 Shenzhen Hongkong Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism( Shenzhen, China, 2009 ) ; The Real Thing :Contemporary Art From China ( Tate Liverpool,2007 ); Foreign Objects ( Kunsthalle Wien Project Space ,Vienna 2007 ); Beyond: The Second Guangzhou Triennial(Guangdong Museum of Art, China 2005 );  A Second Sight: International Biennale of Contemporary Art ( National Gallery in Prague, 2005 ); Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China (International Center of Photography, New York 2004); The First Guangzhou Triennial ( Guangdong Museum of Art, China 2002 ); Revolutionary Capitals ( Institute of Contemporary Art, London, UK 1999 ); Post-sense Sensibility: Bodies and Delusion (Beijing, China 1999 )

About META Project Space

 Founded in 2014, Meta project space will only host not-for-profit projects starting from 2016. Meta project space will continue its outdoor site-specific experimental series. Focusing its attention primarily on installation and moving image, Meta also sponsors research-based projects and small symposiums on related topics.

Meta Project Space




+86 21 52401225

No.5&7, Lane 212, XuHui District, Shanghai, China

Opening Time : 10:30 am - 6 pm, Wednesday to Sunday


