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Loneliness if a cup of coffee(双语原创)


Loneliness is a cup of coffee 寂寞是一杯咖啡




Wandering on the streets with people busily coming and going, looking up into the sky, I find the sky is completely new. The sky is no more the one that I used to get familiar with. The streets are noisy,  with flows of traffic vehicles passing me by, leaving me far behind with my loneliness. Living in the hustling and bustling world, my heart inevitably gets worn out. In an increasingly fast pace of life, my pace falls short of my wishes. I feel more and more lonely. Looking around, like a tramp, I keep wandering. 原创不易,黄先捷中英文原创首发微信公众号ieltssimon,版权所有,禁止转发。。



From the distance comes a burst of indistinct aroma of coffee, with a sense of bitterness suddenly hitting my lonely heart. All right, let me just get a corner to sit down. Quietly, let me grab a cup of coffee , escaping temporarily from the time. If life were a cup of coffee, then time were the piece of sugar. In fact, the bitter taste of black coffee is the real taste of life itself. The real flavor of coffee can only be brought out without putting any sugar in it. You can never understand thoroughly what the sentence --- All sufferings have their reward.  --- means without tasting the black coffee. You can never enjoy the real sweet taste of success without going through all the hardships in reality and without trying the various  bitterness in life. 原创不易,黄先捷中英文原创首发微信公众号ieltssimon,版权所有,禁止转发。。




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