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教师生存工具(Ⅱ)Ten of them, Teacher's Survival Kit


Not all of them are absolutely necessary but, as they say in America, “It’s better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.”




Dice and counters


Lots of coursebooks and resource materials include language games that are played on a game board. These often require dice and counters, and they don’t come included with the books! Plus, dice can be used to randomly nominate students or randomly select questions to ask.





Apart from using a notebook to jot down lesson plans, it is great for taking down students’ errors in communication activities. The type with tear-out pages is best, in case you want to give the page to your students. Use the notebook to write down feedback from your students and any requests. Use it to write your own reflections on some of your classes: a great way to help yourself develop as a teacher. The notebook format means you can look back if you want. We recommend A5 size. You can, of course, use a notebook function on a smartphone but this is harder to give to learners and, if done wrongly, can look like you are sending text messages during class!



Bilingual Dictionary


The dictionary is not only useful for resolving communication problems in class but also for helping the teacher prepare. Why not look up the words you are going to teach learners and give them a translation exercise; or let them find the items themselves if they have their own? Dictionaries tend to have more than just words. There are useful phrases for different situations (shopping, in the restaurant, on the bus, etc.) and verb tables which can be exploited. Again, a dictionary app on a phone can serve the same purpose but be wary of looking like you are distracted by your phone.


字典不仅对解决课堂交流问题有帮助而且有助于老师备课。为什么不在字典里查找你将教给学生的单词并补充给他们一个翻译练习;或者让他们自己找到词汇的解释。字典有比查找词汇更多的用途。有些有用的在不同情况下使用的词组(购物,在饭店,在汽车上,等等)及能够被利用的动词表。再次说明,在手机上有提供同样用途的字典App, 但是当你在课堂上使用时,看起来像手机在影响你上课。

To be continued.


EducationCity 简介

EducationCity 是专为3-12岁学生设计的动画情景互动式的英语学习资源。




1.       根据英、美国际教学大纲编写,是一个体系完整的教学资源平台。

2.       课件资源灵活组合,容标准电子教案与互动即时回馈于一体的智能化教、学工具。

3.       可支持电脑客户端、手机、平板移动端、智能电子白板等终端随时随地登录,进入网络学习。

EducationCity 成立于1999年,是一家领先的教育课程开发者和全球供应商,总部设在英国的雷斯特,在美国设有办事处,合作伙伴遍布全球。




